Yes. You may pay your association fees through your associations website by eCheck or Credit Card. To pay online, you must first register for the website. Once registered, you will receive a link to set your password by email. After you create your ...
Please log into the associations website and click on the "My Violations" link to view the letters sent to you regarding the specific violation noted on your billing statement and to see pictures of the violation. Prior to receiving a fine, you were ...
It is never the goal of the association to place a lien or foreclose against a homeowner. Should you be unable to pay your dues, and your account is already past due - please contact our offices. By contacting our offices we can assist you in ...
Under North Carolina law, the developer of any real estate project is the owner of all unsold lots or units in the project. As long as the developer owns a majority of them, it controls the votes and therefore the association itself. The developer ...
Please contact our offices either by phone, email, support ticket or live chat. Please note: changing your address under My Profile on the associations website will not result in a change in our billing systems.