My Neighbor is making noise at night constantly what can I do?

My Neighbor is making noise at night constantly what can I do?

Noisy neighbors… Almost everyone will have to deal with them at some point in their adult life, whether they live in a single family home, condo, or apartment. It can be anything from the early bird next door who starts the lawnmower at 5 a.m. or the band member downstairs who practices into the wee hours of the night.

  • First, approach the neighbor politely and simply ask them to stop the noise during the times it’s both inconvenient for you and against city noise ordinance policies. Usually, cordial conversations can help resolve the issue before it escalates any further.
  • If possible, document persistent noise issues on paper with times and dates of the grievances, or better yet, audio or video recordings of the grievances as they happen.
  • If the verbal requests are ignored, residents should contact local law enforcement who can attempt to contact the noisy neighbor about the issue and move forward with civil fines for the violations, if needed.